by Tom Howard

Road Construction Update

Houghton Road/Over Union Pacific Railroad: Crews have completed the grade for the new pavement. We should see paving operations commence shortly. The rain has had a lot do with this part of the project. Moisture tests have to pass inspection before they can start paving. Once paving is complete a shift in the traffic pattern is expected so they can complete the railing, fences and drainage parts of the job. Stay alert for traffic shifts coming soon. This project is scheduled to be completed in late November.

Updates: Union Pacific Railroad to I-10 Construction: A start date for this project has not been announced as of writing. Stay tuned. I anticipate them to get started soon.

ADOT Updates

Eastbound SR 83 Exit Ramp on I-10: No further updates available for this project as of writing.

Traffic Signals, Rita, Kolb & Wilmot at I-10: Work is ongoing at all three bridges. Shoulder work has begun at Rita Road. Stay alert to traffic shifts as crews install wiring and pole foundations for the new signals. ADOT has installed a VMS (variable message board) to alert motorist to the backup that occurs on the I-10/Rita Road off ramp during the peak traffic times. Once the signals are complete, this should help the traffic flow.

Wilmot & I-10: The Westbound bridge deck has been poured and crews will be installing the new guardrail shortly. Once the concrete is cured and cleared for traffic, the detour will be removed and traffic will be moved back to the interstate. Closures of Wilmot will be needed to remove the temporary bridge. A VMS (variable message board) will be set up to alert all motorists when this occurs. This project is nearly complete.

Kolb/Valencia: A lot of work has occurred since last month. Crews have placed the new grade along Valencia and have completed utility work at the intersection. Daily work is ongoing, a lot of progress is happening daily. Please stay patient, allow extra time for travel thru this project. Also, please obey all traffic control devices and speed limits.

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