by Stacy Winstryg

The Vail School District has seen a 35% increase in homes with registered voters over the last two years. This is an amazing jump in voter registrations and we hope that you all will take the opportunity this election season to cast your ballots and vote. It is a privilege to live in a country where your vote decides who will represent you in Phoenix as well as in Washington, D.C. Below is important information about the propositions that affect education on this November’s ballot.

Prop 305 – Expansion of ESA’s (vouchers): Vail Parent Network encourages you to vote NO.

Prop 468 – Bond to build new a High School and K-8 School: Vail Parent Network encourages a YES vote.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 6th.  You have the option to either go to the polls and cast your vote or to take your early ballot and drop them off at your polling place. Either way, the important thing is to just vote!

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