by Susann Miller
As you get ready to take advantage of deals or give back during this holiday season, BBB provides some holiday tips on how to do so safely.
Gift Receipts: Always ask for a gift receipt. This way the recipient can return or exchange a gift if it’s not just right.
Warranty Information: Inquire about the store’s return policy and warranty information before purchasing.
Research: Read product reviews, check the’s Business Profiles, look at the sales flyers and ads, compare prices, look for early promotions and “flash sales.”
Mobile Security: With so many shoppers using their mobile devices to research and make purchases, it’s important to have a secure device. Be sure you’re using the most up to date version of apps and operating system on your phone. Also, actively manage your location services, Bluetooth, microphone and camera – make sure apps use them appropriately as well.
Public Wi-Fi: Public Wi-Fi is vulnerable to thieves and fraudsters looking to steal your information. When in stores or restaurants, avoid using banking or other apps that access your sensitive personal information.
Email Phishing: With all the promotional emails sent during the holidays, scammers will be out in full force. It’s best not to click on links from senders you don’t recognize.
Interest-Based Advertising: If you want to opt out of receiving Interest-Based Advertising, download the AppChoices app or visit for information on how to opt-in and out of certain ads.
Back Up Your Data: Have an online backup option in case your device is attacked by hackers. You do not want to lose all your family’s information and memories.
Look Out for Scams: If you suspect a scam, check out BBB Scam Tips to learn more ( or report scams to BBB Scam Tracker (
Charity Disclosure: Check out to find BBB Accredited Charities that have fully disclosed information to BBB Wise Giving Alliance.
What’s in a Name: Be on the lookout for name similarities. Dubious charities often pick a name that sounds like a more famous charity.
Give a Guide: Request a free holiday issue of the BBB Wise Giving Guide by emailing with “Free Guide” in the subject line, and a name and address of where you’d like the guide to be sent.
Feel free to contact the Better Business Bureau Serving Southern Arizona at (520) 888-5353 or visit our website.