By Susan Summers

If you’re starting to breathe a sigh of relief over the Covid 19 pandemic, you’re not alone. As more people become fully vaccinated, anxieties about venturing back out into the world are receding and the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. (And no, it isn’t an oncoming train.) But the scourge of Covid has changed many of us forever, perhaps not physically, but in how we perceive “community” and its importance for our well-being and that of our families and neighbors.

We’ve learned that the world is more fragile than we thought, and that our time is precious and should be used meaningfully. If this resonates with you, please consider joining the ranks of Resources Vail Food Bank volunteers or those of the Vail Depot Thrift Store. Greater Vail Community Resources is extremely dependent on a cadre of volunteers to staff its food bank and thrift store operations—a cadre that understandably has diminished significantly over the last year. We could use your help.

Linda Couture volunteered to serve the food bank in 2019, shortly after her arrival in Vail, and feels rewarded by the fact that she’s part of an organization that helps others in need, especially during these times. “Doing good for the community and ‘giving back’ motivated me to join ReSources, but clients are really special and an important part of volunteering for me. And the friendships are fantastic.”

She noted that volunteers bring an assortment of skills and talents to the table; interpersonal and communication skills, organizational skills, positive attitudes and the ability to get along with others are key. When asked what words of advice she has for prospective volunteers, she said, “Jump in with both feet. It’s an opportunity to meet people, establish roots in the community and do some good for others. Don’t pass up the opportunity because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

To learn more about Greater Vail Community Resources and to apply to become a volunteer, visit the web site: Or drop by the Vail Depot Thrift Store during open hours: Tues/ Thurs, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, or Saturday, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.

Susan Summers is a ReSources board member and Vail resident who loves golf and the beauty of the Sonoran desert. Before her retirement, she served as dean of the College of Extended Learning at California State
University, San Bernardino.

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