Tag - Tucson AZ

Ward 4 Update for April 2023

Friends and Neighbors,   The City of Tucson, in partnership with Pima County, requested a Road Safety Assessment (RSA) be conducted by the Pima Association of Governments (PAG) along Mary Ann Cleveland Way. PAG has accepted our request and will be conducting the RSA along the entire 5-mile stretch of Mary Ann Cleveland Way, both in the City and...

Art is the Word

Artwork appears in many forms from paintings to podcasts, architecture to gardening, poetry, film, and many other mediums. Even standing out in nature, we can see the artwork of the Divine reflecting back at us. There is inspiration all around if we allow ourselves to see it. How many times has a piece of music moved you to tears, to dance around...

Lost Mines, Lost Jeep?

Was I lost?  It depends if lost means you don’t know where you are or if you don’t know how to get where you want to be?  I was a little bit of both but not ready to eat humble pie!  I missed a left turn on the 675-mile-long Arizona Peace Trail and found myself in an incomprehensible maze of rugged, century old mining roads.  I knew I had to go...

Do I Need a Lawyer?

Almost everything we do—from making a big purchase of a vehicle or home, to operating a vehicle and interacting with others personally and professionally—can implicate a legal concern. When do you need a lawyer? When might you handle a legal concern without one? Some challenges may be assisted, at least in part, with the help of another...

Springtime in the Home and Community

It’s Spring cleaning time y’all, and you can easily make a difference in the community with your gently used items.   As we come out of our winter hibernation, we may discover that we are not in need of so many items in the house.  Old games, small appliances or décor may need to move on. Closets could be overflowing, cabinets may be too full, and...

Today’s DAR

Daughters of the American Revolution, Cienega Creek Chapter attended the Vail School District’s, Vail Pride Day last month in February. Chapter members at the table played a history game with students and families. To win the game, students placed historical events in timeline order. Once the game was completed, they received a treat bag or...

The Fifth Son

Before Passover arrives in Jewish homes around the world, many are hard at work preparing for the holiday. Lots of preparation is needed for the Seder. The Seder is much more than just a holiday meal. On Passover night, G-d wants us to feel as if we ourselves are going out of Egypt. To help us capture this feeling, our Sages gave us instructions...

Shaking Down the House

I stared at the stack of boxes shoved up against the kitchen island and threw up my hands. “Well, that’s good enough! Time for coffee.” I’d spent the entire morning yanking clothes off hangers and out of drawers that I haven’t worn since fifteen pounds ago, tossing them into boxes with the intensity of flicking a frisbee across the room. As part...