American Legion invites high school students to compete in speech contest
Winners will earn scholarship money, chance to compete in national finals.
By Ventura Tounsel
High school students of the Vail School District have been invited by McCulloch-Wagner Post 109 of The American Legion to compete in the American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program. The invitation to enter the competition was extended today by Post Commander “Ace” Ventura Tounsel.
The subject in the prepared oration portion of the contest must be about some phase of the Constitution of the United States, emphasizing the duties and obligations of a citizen to the U. S. government. The prepared oration must be the original effort of each contestant and must be 8-10 minutes in length.
Post 109 will award our local winner with a $150 scholarship that will be paid to the school of their choice and can be used while still in High School for athletic fees, club fees, or any other school fees. Our second-place winner will receive $75 and third place, $50 towards those same purposes.
In addition to the awards by winners of the various elimination rounds of competition, college scholarships of $25,000, $22,500, and $20,000 will be awarded to the first through third places in the national finals. Each state winner who competes in the first round of the national contest will receive a $2,000 scholarship. Participants in the second round who do not advance to the national final round will receive an additional $2,000 scholarship. The top three youth orators who have won all previous elimination rounds of the contest will vie for top honors in the national contest in April in Indianapolis.
The American Legion will pay the expenses of state winners at the national contest.
High school students in the Vail School District who are interested in entering the competition should email me at
For more information, please visit
CDTFD From our house to yours, Is it December again?
By Charlotte Herdsliska
It’s fun to decorate for the winter holidays, but holiday decorations can increase your risk for a home fire. As you deck the halls this season, be fire smart.
o Inspect holiday lights each year before you put them up. Throw away light strands with frayed or pinched wires.
o Water your Christmas tree every day. A dry tree is dangerous because it can catch on fire easily.
o Consider using battery-operated flameless candles, which can look, smell and feel like real candles.
o If you do use lit candles, make sure they are in stable holders and place them where they cannot be knocked down easily, especially if you have pets or small children about.
Heat Your Home Safely This Winter
Did you know that heating is the second leading cause of home fires? Please follow the Fire Department’s suggestions to keep your home warm and safe.
One of the biggest mistakes is putting something too close to a heating source. Keep anything that can burn 3 feet away from space heaters, fireplaces, wood stoves, and radiators.
Use portable heaters that have been listed by a testing laboratory (look for the laboratory’s label). These heaters should have an automatic shut-off switch so that if they are tipped over, they will turn off on their own. Plug portable electric heaters directly into the wall outlet; DO NOT use an extension cord or power strip. Kerosene heaters must be refueled outside.
Evenings (5-8 p.m.) are the peak time for home heating fires. Turn space heaters off when you leave the room or ready to fall asleep.
Older adults have a higher home fire death rate, and heating is the second leading cause of fire deaths for people ages 65 and over.
Let’s make this Holiday Season a safe one!
Please contact your local Fire Marshal Charlotte with any questions or for a free home safety survey (520) 762-9370.
Rincon Valley Fire: