by Stacy Winstryg

The Vail Parent Network is beyond thrilled with the passing of Prop 468, the bond for the Vail School District. We thank the registered voters who voted yes.

According to Mr. Baker, superintendent for the district, the planning work for the new high school has been occurring for about a year. Architects will now shift into final design and construction documents and actual construction should begin early this coming summer. We look forward to seeing the progress as construction begins.

We are also grateful that the majority of Arizona voters decided to vote no on Prop 305. With an overwhelming 65% no vote, voucher expansion was shot down. The Vail Parent Network feels strongly that this was the best thing for public education in the state of Arizona. With an already underfunded public education system, we simply cannot afford to funnel more money to other programs.

We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. We look forward to the new year and working with our legislators in Legislative District 14 and Legislative District 10 on ways to improve education in Arizona.

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