Fleks Bitz Fiks-IT Shop
(Fry’s Plaza Next To Post Net)
Being a good neighbor is first with us. Your fiks-it concern is our concern. Striving always to go above and beyond the greatest expectation of you, our neighbor and customer, offering affordable mobile device and computer fikses with exceptional quality and customer service excellence.
Our differentiator is “affordable fiks-it pricing discounted.” Look no further, minutes away, in the neighborhood a fiks-it mobile device and computer shop that wants to be a good neighbor. Need a smile? Visit us. Need a fiks-it question answered? Visit us. Need mobile device or computer information? Visit us. Need technology information? Visit us. Or just stop in to say hi.
While we are new to Rita Ranch, our founder and CEO has been part of Tucson for many years and retired from Davis Monthan Air Force Base 355th Medical Group Information Systems. It is with great excitement that we get to meet and serve you now in this amazing community.
“Here For You”