By John Simpson

February 2020 was slightly below average in rainfall and slightly below average in temperature. I recorded 0.78″ of rain and my 9-year average is exactly 1.00.” The Tucson airport recorded 0.67″ and their 30-year average is 0.86.” On the temperature side, the airport was 0.3 degrees below average for the month with both high and low temperatures being slightly below average. February rainfall in the Vail readership area ranged from about 0.7″ to just over an inch.

For the 2019-2020 Winter Season, rainfall was slightly below average for each of the three winter months. This has not stopped the wild flowers which are blooming nicely in the area. In fact, winter rains for the past several years have not been bad. The Tucson airport reported that it has had six winter seasons in a row with total winter rainfall of over 2.5″ each season. This has not happened since the 1940’s. At my place, only one winter in the past nine has had less than three inches of rain for the season. At the time of this writing, March rainfall has been above average for the entire state. Areas to the East and West of Vail have had significant amounts while Vail and parts of Tucson are just slightly above average. I will report on this in next month’s issue.

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