During the holidays, food can be challenging to avoid. Tasty dishes and decadent desserts seem to be at every celebration, leading many to believe it’s impossible to avoid the overabundance of seasonal sustenance. Tucson Medical Center’s Director of Wellness Mary Atkinson shares five surprisingly easy tips for enjoying holiday treats without having to loosen your belt.

Incorporate Activity into Social Plans

Planning physical activity does not mean scheduling a 5K before holiday supper. Rather, it means an easy activity that encourages both movement and socialization, like a brief walk around the neighborhood to view the holiday decorations.

Don’t Arrive Stuffed or Starved

“Eat a healthy snack before a big meal, but don’t show up starved or stuffed,” Atkinson said. “Arriving starved makes it much easier to take eating too far, and so does arriving full.  Even though you might eat fewer unhealthy foods if you are stuffed, you are still likely to overeat – which is not healthy.”

Quench the Craving – Eat with Purpose

“Eat with purpose. Acknowledge what you are going to eat, and enjoy it – don’t feel guilty or shame yourself,” Atkinson said. Trying to avoid everything, especially a favorite, can encourage an “all or nothing” mentality. “When people try to avoid everything, they feel badly if they indulge a little. This quickly becomes an excuse to continue eating badly, they figure they have ‘blown it’ and overeat.”

Eat Slowly

This may not be a new suggestion, but Atkinson explained why it is so important. “The brain does not receive the ‘full signal’ until 20 minutes after the body is actually full.” This is why people will continue to feel bloated and uncomfortable for some time after eating until full.

Brush Your Teeth

“Once you have finished eating – brush your teeth. This sends a message to your mind and body that you are done, and you’ll be less likely to go back for more if you know you’ll have to brush again,” said Atkinson.

These tips can help you enjoy the seasonal treats without giving into overindulgence. Atkinson says staying healthy throughout the holidays will positively affect your waistline and your self-esteem. “It is a great feeling to start the new-year healthy and confident.”

Mary Atkinson, RD
Director of Wellness
Tucson Medical Center

Mary Atkinson has been the director of wellness at TMC for more than six years. She is a registered dietitian, and an expert on food and nutrition.

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