By Candance Lansberry
Change is upon us for 2019, and Desert Skies is excited to be moving into a new phase as a faith community serving Vail. Currently meeting at 4:00 PM on Sunday afternoons, beginning March 3rd, we will be moving to 11:15 AM, still at the Vail Innovation Center, just east of Empire High School. To get ready for these changes, there will be no services the last two Sundays in February, February 17th and 24th, as we celebrate Rodeo Week with a huge Western Sunday Celebration on February 17th at the Houghton Campus (3255 N. Houghton Road.) at 9:30 AM, featuring the Old Pueblo Bluegrass Band, the Pinnacle Peak players, a bounce house and much more. Messy Church is temporarily suspended from the first Sunday of the month schedule.
We hope to see many of you at Vail Pride Day, where we will be hanging out to share just how excited we are to be a vital part of the Vail Community! We invite you to check out a faith community that promises to receive you with an open heart, to encourage inquiring minds about anything to do with God and the Church with open minds, and to accept you just as you are with open doors.