On the 7th of July the Rotary Club of Vail, worked with the Vail School District at the Vail Back to School Resource Fair held at the Cienega High School library. Rotary donated 70 backpacks of the 200 targeted donations, with all the necessary school supplies, (pens, pencils, paper, folders, crayons, markers, and such). The event was so successful that approximately 240 families showed up. The district got the names and numbers of families that did not get their necessary supplies, so Vail Rotary stepped in and ordered and delivered an additional 48 backpacks along with all supplies. For the 2018/19 school year, our club’s major project is to help the students and teachers with necessary supplies they need on a daily basis so they do not have to pay for it out of their own pockets. Vail has great schools and great teachers that are drastically underpaid.
Additionally, on the 20th of July, the Rotary Club of Vail, AZ continued its work with Vail schools by providing the V.I.P. (Vail Inclusive Preschool) with basic daily supplies for their 18 pre-school classes. We learned that the teachers make their own play-doo and other in class products with ingredients like, (flour, cream of tartar, vanilla, shaving cream, baking soda, measuring cups and sponges. We also donated 1,000 each of straws, plastic forks and spoons). We donated 18 of each item for the beginning of the school year, but like always, this too is an ongoing project.
To help with either of these programs, with a cash donation or actual supplies (backpack program), or a donation for the V.I.P program, you can contact Fred Bruns: 520-445-6762, Vail Rotary Foundation Treasurer, or send a check to: Vail, AZ Rotary Foundation, P.O. Box 432, Vail, AZ 85641, (noting which program you are supporting).