by Tom Howard

Road Construction Update

Houghton Road/Over Union Pacific Railroad

The Southbound approach and bridge are taking shape. Crews are backfilling the new road and bringing it up to grade. New pavement should be coming shortly.

Updates: Union Pacific Railroad TO I-10 Construction

The City of Tucson has awarded this project to Borderland Construction, a Tucson company. Their bid was 7.7 million dollars. The project does not include the replacement of the I-10 Interchange. This project will be handled by ADOT in late 2019 early 2020.

Drexel/Houghton Road

A lot of activity has been ongoing in this area. Speeds have been reduced to 25 MPH and are being enforced by Tucson Police. The contractor is modifying the traffic signal to create a new 4 way intersection that will provide access to the new subdivision. The new intersection will include left and right turn bays. Slow down and stay alert.

ADOT Updates

Eastbound SR 83 Exit Ramp on 1-10

Work on this project should begin soon. More updates to come next month.

Traffic Signals, Rita, Kolb & Wilmot at I-10

Work is well underway at these I-10 bridges. Activities are ongoing as crews place post foundations and run the electrical cables for the new traffic signals. Stay alert to traffic shifts on all the on and off ramps. Crews should be ready to set new poles in place soon.

Wilmot & I-10

Crews have moved along nicely on the Westbound Bridge. Periodic closures will be needed as they begin the paving process. The speeds thru the work zone are still 55 MPH. Slow down and stay alert.


During phase 1, Southbound Kolb will share the North side of Kolb Road & Eastbound Valencia will share the westbound side of Valencia Road.  Please be patient, slow down and obey all traffic control devices. This pattern will remain throughout the winter months as crews complete underground work and relocate utilities.

Houghton Towne Center

The center has striped and added a left and right turn bay for the exit to Old Vail Road. This is the exit next to Dunkin Donuts. This was completed so that motorist would have dedicated lanes to exit onto Old Vail Road. This should help with egress traffic.

Please email your road construction questions to:

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