by Scoutmaster Brad Adams
Boy Scout Troop 770 held a Court of Honor on Wednesday, September 26th, at the American Legion Post 109. Senior Patrol Leader Liam Eaton, and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Kyle Bowles were the Masters of Ceremonies. Wyatt Stoddard, Life Scout, gave a remarkable welcoming to all, and Seth Bowles, Life Scout, led everyone in the opening prayer.
To start the evening, Scoutmaster Walter Mittendorf, and the masters of ceremonies awarded 101 merit badges, and the following scouts “ranked up” Conner Frazzell, Second Class Scout, Tyler Drysdale, John LaVoie, First Class Scout, Connor Caswell, Star Scout, Kyle Bowles, Matt Fosdick, Michael McMurray, Wyatt Stoddard, Mark Wilson, Life Scout. Three new scouts have joined Troop 770 recently, they are Thaden Sands, Andrew Wedgeworth, and Vincent Zizzo. They were awarded their “scout” badge, the first step on the “Trail to Eagle Scout.”
Summer camp patches were presented to the 19 Boy Scouts, and 4 adult leaders that attended Camp Lawton in June. In addition, the Boy Scouts that have participated in the annual Christmas Tree and Wreathe Sale, held at American Legion Post 109, starting on Black Friday, were recognized with patches.
The troop chaplain, and advancement chairperson Laura Bowles, announced a new class is starting for God and church, and recognized a few scouts with “Kudos Gift Cards” that have gone above and beyond to ensure success of the Troop. Next, the committee chairman Kevin Caswell recognized Belinda Drysdale and Maggie Hendricks with certificates of appreciation for their contributions to Troop 770.
During the scoutmasters minute, Scoutmaster Walter Mittendorf welcomed Jason Hendricks as a new assistant scoutmaster and praised all the boys and their parents for their hard work and dedication.