By Anne Gibson

Sarah Bates

It was early August in the summer of 2019 when the word came that the prestigious Niche team had ranked the Vail School District as the number two of the “Best School Districts” in the state of Arizona. Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Niche is a team with a unique blend of professionals who have gained national respect for its ability to provide rigorous analysis of key statistics and millions of review from students and parents using data from the U.S. Department of Education to grade and measure school districts, colleges, universities and business.

“I am so happy and proud to hear that Vail is second in the state for the school district ratings for the Niche report!  We have teachers who are dedicated to our students and work diligently to fill their needs. They form strong connections with parents to work together to help students. We have principals, assistant principals, and administration that are committed and relentless in making sure our children receive a wonderful education. Our students care about each other and use the ACT statement in their classrooms. Our community supports education, and we are so grateful. The Niche rating recognizes the many wonderful things about Vail,” said Vail School District Governing Board President Allison Pratt.  Allison and Devin Pratt have four boys attending Esmond Station K8, Cienega High School, and Empire High School. Mrs. Pratt is a top real estate professional with Long

Elizabeth Chesebrough


“Our first consideration is that we hire really great people to teach our children. We hire people that we would want to teach our own children. Then we surround our teachers with support and resources. Every new teacher spends a week before the school year starts learning about classroom management and instructional practices. Instructional coaches, instructional team leaders, and administrative support are present throughout the year.  Additionally, Beyond Textbook provides resources and away to connect with master teachers across the district and across the state,” explained Vail School District Deputy Superintendent Debbie Penn. Her sons take after their mother with a love of education. Levy Hedgepeth is a Behavioral Specialist with the Special Education Department and Jesse Hedgepeth teaches adaptive mathematics at Andrada Polytechnic High School.

One reason Vail scored so well was because of the teaching philosophy. “In Vail, we teach Arizona State Standards. Actually, we are required by law to teach these state standards. What we must teach, what students learn and what they are tested on should be aligned. If we think about it in terms of actual life experiences, it is like taking a driver’s test. The material outlined in the study guide prepares us for the written portion of the actual driver’s test. Then, we apply our knowledge so that we navigate the roads safely,” explained Deputy Superintendent Penn, a 20-year veteran of the district and co-creator of the educational tool Beyond Textbooks.

“Vail’s success is owned by the entire Vail community. Vail is ranked highly time and time again because of our community’s strength. We are respectful, and we support and care about each other. We have always and will continue to be the district that lives out our motto, “Where Education is a Community Effort.” Our motto enacts action, a call to serve, not from one but from all. We exist to serve parents. I tell people how proud I am to live here, serve here, and have my family be a part of our amazing community,” said Cottonwood Principal Sarah Bates.  Mrs. Bates is in her 12th year with the district. She previously served as principal of Ocotillo Ridge Elementary School during which time the school was rated the number one elementary school in the state of Arizona. She and her husband have been married for 12 years and have two boys ages nine and six.

Debbie Penn

It seems most fitting to close this article with a testimonial from Elizabeth Chesebrough, a teacher. “I’m proud to have served the last six years as the PE teacher at Acacia Elementary. Prior to that, I had the good fortune to work at Mesquite and Cottonwood Elementary Schools. My two daughters have only known Vail, and my husband just celebrated 20 years in the district, working as a teacher, principal, and now the director of the Beyond Textbooks program. Having worked in the district for 18 years, I’ve been blessed to work with so many amazing people. I have learned from the best of the best. Not only that, I had a very supportive and energetic principal, Connie Erickson, whose husband Jerry was a physical education teacher as well. The bar for a PE program was set high as I started my career so many years ago. As a parent, I have always been happy with teachers in our district. I felt our schools had extra ‘moms’ around taking care of my kids as if they were their own.”

“So, why do I believe the Vail School District is ranked number two according to the recent Niche ratings? First and foremost, it’s the positive relationships. Second, teachers feel supported in Vail. Through the New Teacher Induction program and ongoing support for teachers, Vail is a district that supports its educators.  Third, Vail has a family feel. Even as we continue to grow, it still has that small-town feel. Finally, Vail is not afraid to try new things. Whether it’s innovative programs like Beyond Textbooks, providing high school students with laptops, or wifi-equipped school buses, Vail is always thinking outside the box. Vail is built on relationships. I think roots run deep in Vail.”

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Anne Gibson