By Hollie Warnick
As beings of the universe, we are made up of both light and dark. In this duality, we experience being hot and cold, together and alone, awake and asleep, sorrow and happiness. Each opposite provides its knowledge. Is one side full and truly dark or light? As our minds oscillate between each emotion, feeling, and event in life, we may wonder, “why is this happening?”
The mind may shift through paradoxical views of every spectrum. We adopt one attitude or another. To what end? When our perspective is challenged, we learn and grow. The light and dark inside struggle to breach the surface of our being in order to share messages from within. Why is it we can love and hate one thing, or person? How is it that we fear and desire the same outcome? It is the different parts of us that seek these diverse results. Our light and dark parts bring much into existence throughout our lives.
When we are kind, exercise, give, or create with love we are uplifted. When we take actions that drive us from truth and peace (violence, abuse, hatred), we feel bereft or dark. We may feel stuck, anxious, or that we lack. We may think, “why me?” How do we enlighten ourselves and get out of the morass?
As you move into the light, you change physically, mentally, intellectually, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. You can enjoy the flow of life. Life blooms before you. But don’t be afraid of the dark. We learn and gain wisdom through our encounters with it, as well.
If you’re a seeker of light and truth, come join the conversation with me. As a behavioral kinesiologist, I am constantly helping people see and heal the loss of light within. It is my passion to facilitate others’ growth with each session. You too can have greater access to peace, joy, and clarity.