by Candace Lansberry

Labor Day is here already, and the afternoons and evenings are beginning to cool down a bit … and thoughts are turning to fall break and family.  Perhaps it’s also time to turn your thoughts to God and what it means to live out faith in today’s world. At Desert Skies, we have created a worship experience and time that is pretty laid back, full of community spirit, and designed to give you something to think about and act upon for the coming week. Our band provides our music, the senior pastor from Desert Skies preaches the message, and we have a special children’s center for our smallest worshippers. Following worship, we have small groups for all ages, giving all of us a chance to reflect on the world we live in and how our faith intersects with that world. We currently meet at 4:00 PM at the Vail Innovation Center on MaryAnn Cleveland Parkway, next to Empire High School.

We value open hearts, open minds, and open doors and welcome all people. Questions are encouraged, diversity is celebrated, and we see our mission as preparing people to serve and love in the world.


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