By Anne “AJ” Perrin 

 Note:  This is second in a series of articles on the five principals in CdT. 

The principal at Sycamore Elementary School, Ken Graff, is softspoken and quite enthusiastic as he described life as the top administrator of the larger of the two elementary schools in Corona de Tucson. He is a rarity, having been born and raised in Tucson and graduated from Sabino High School.  Both of Mr. Graff’s parents were special education teachers, so his  career choice was no surprise.  He earned his bachelor of science degree at U of A and his masters at NAU. 

After starting in Benson and Amphi, he decided Vail School Distric looked quite promising.  He was at Acacia Elementary for seven years, where he taught Title 1 in his first year and was a 4th grade teacher for six years.  He then moved to assistant principal at Desert Willow for four years, before becoming the first principal at the Sycamore Elementary School, from 2003 to the present.  That ia total of 29 years in the education business! 

Along the way he met a lovely lady who also had the goal of becoming a teacher.  Nancy Weber-Graff became his wife 21 years ago and teaches sign language at AndradaPolytechnic High.  They have a 16yearold daughter and a 19yearold son.  

Mr. Graff was excited to describe the activities outside of the curriculum at Sycamore of which there are a great many.  To name a few: Sycamore has a Student Council, a Peace Patrol, an Honor Society, an Algebra Club, and even a Wright Flying Club where the members get to fly an airplane.  There are also many other varied after-school groups, too many to list. 

Mr. Graff is most appreciative of the Corona de Tucson community’s support of his students and Sycamore School.  The school staff and community members have all contributed to students and local families in need, including dinners, food baskets, and the school Angel Tree at holiday time. In addition, the community wraps around those who have lost a family member or suffered other losses.  The student services coordinator also assists with such needs. The school library features photos of students “caught reading” and has a second semester “Battle of the Books.”  A highlight of the school year is the annual spring Father-Daughter Dance which was attendeby 300 students and fathers.  It is great to see so many involved fathers. 

Mr. Graff’s present programs for his school are many and varied, and he continues to plan even more in the future. 

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