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Alyssa Diaz of Cienega High was named Miss Tucson Old Pueblo 2019! Alyssa spent all of 2018 committed as Miss City of Tucson Outstanding Teen 2018. Alyssa has served almost 200 volunteer hours in and around Tucson and Vail.  

At Cienega High, she maintains a GPA over 4.0 and on track in the Bobcat Scholar Program to obtain college credits for some of her classes as a freshman.  

Alyssa will be serving as a Team Captain for the Tucson/Vail Relay for Life on March 29, 2019 at Empire High School.  In her spare time she enjoys modeling and photo shoots. She also enjoys playing the piano, playing soccer and running track.  

Please follow her journey on social media and feel free to reach out if you are interested in her speaking at an event or volunteering in any way. Visit: https://www.facebook.com/MissTucsonOldPuebloOutstandingTeen/ 





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