Dear editor:
Recently Pima DOT hired a contractor to crack seal Old Spanish Trail, Camino Loma Alta and Colossal Cave Road in preparation of micro-sealing these roads sometime in the future. The issue is with the incompetent application of the crack seal treatment being of the wrong viscosity and temperature, creating what is like a washboard road without the dust. The constant tire slapping on the pavement can be heard by residents that live within a quarter mile of these roads. I’ve personally contacted both Pima DOT and Steve Christy’s office to voice my and fellow motorist and residents’ concerns over this quality of life issue to no avail although Pima DOT did respond that they received my complaint. Mr. Christy’s office has not.
Coming from my experience in civil engineering and fieldwork, in city and county infrastructure projects in my early career, I recognize when inferior applications are made due to lack of supervision by the County Civil Engineering Department. When the taxpayer and HURF (Highway User Revenue Fund) funds go to road improvements we should be getting our monies worth, not something that has made a bad situation much worse than doing nothing at all.
Perhaps the power of the press can shake the bureaucracy of Pima DOT into correcting this issue and relieve the stress of those that use and live near these roads.
Tim Holt
Rincon Valley Resident