Dear Editor:

We would add our voice to Mr. Richard Keen in opposition to rezoning this property.  As prior residents of a development in Vail which permitted horses, we can attest to the dust, flies, odors, and traffic attendant to keeping horses.  In addition, this proposal includes an exercise arena of 1/3 sq. mi., creating added dust and noise, beyond mere stabling and riding.    

Our retirement residence is a part of Rancho Del Lago Community Association and is within less than 3/4 mile east of the property in question.  That distance is insufficient to prevent the dust, flies, and odors from invading our residential area.    In that earlier Vail home, we personally did not have horses, but within 1/2 mile and beyond horses were kept.   The flies alone required our patio to be screened to allow any leisure resting, or preparation and serving food and drink.   Those common outdoor activities could easily be done  without screening in the non-horse community where we had lived previously in Tucson.   

The Buchanans
Estates at Rancho del Lago

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