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Twenty-one members of the Del Lago Men’s Golf Club participated in the annual club championships the weekend of April 13th and 14th; and when the final results were in, John Blumenshine, Bill Camp and Bob Sanchez were crowned as the victors in their respective Gross Flights. Brandon Tibbetts, Stuart Katz and Hugo Keyner were the champs in the Net Flights.

Blumenshine carded a 153 over the two days while Camp and Sanchez each had 171 strokes to complete their rounds and take home the titles in the A and B Flights. Tibbetts shot a net 138 in the Championship Flight while Katz shot a net 148 and Keyner a net 141 in their respective A and B flights.

Two rounds were played, and the results were for both Gross and Net play. The flights were based on the handicap indexes of the golfers. The Championship Flight was for golfers with indexes of 10.5 and lower. The A Flight was for golfers with 12.8 to 15.4 indexes while the B Flight was for golfers with indexes of 15.5 and higher.

“The Championships are played each April, and our members qualify by playing in at least 8 events during the year,” commented Stuart Katz, Club President. “We play almost every Sunday at Del Lago but also take the ‘show on the road’ just to give everyone a chance to experience other courses.”  Blumenshine, the men’s Club Events Director, also noted “We will occasionally join with the Southern Arizona Men’s Golf Club at their events. Their home club is Del Lago, but they play all over the Tucson and Green Valley area.”

Interested golfers can obtain additional information from either Katz ( or Blumenshine ( or at the Arizona Golf Association website (

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