If not handled properly, fireworks can cause burns and eye injuries in kids and adults. The best way to protect your family is not to use any fireworks at home — period. Attend public fireworks displays and leave the lighting to the professionals.

Lighting fireworks at home isn’t even legal in many areas, so if you still want to use them, be sure to check with your local law enforcement department first.

Fireworks Safety Tips

  • Kids should never play with fireworks. Things like firecrackers, rockets, and sparklers are just too dangerous.
  • If you give kids sparklers, make sure they keep them outside and away from the face, clothing, and hair. Sparklers can reach 1,200 to 1,800°F — hot enough to melt gold.  Have a bucket of water close by.
  • Buy only legal fireworks (legal fireworks in Arizona do not leave the ground). You should store them in a cool, dry place.
  • Illegal fireworks rise into the air and explode, dropping hot embers onto our desert, posing a real risk of wildfires.
  • Fireworks that shoot up into the air are illegal in Arizona
  • Point fireworks away from homes, and keep away from brush and leaves and flammable substances. The National Fire Protection Association estimates that local fire departments respond to more 50,000 firescaused by fireworks each year.  Please do not burn down your neighborhood!
  • Light one firework at a time (not in glass or metal containers), and neverrelight a dud.
  • Don’t allow kids to pick up pieces of fireworks after an event. Some may still be ignited and can explode at any time.
  • Soak all fireworks in a bucket of water before throwing them in the trash can.
  • Think about your pet. Animals have sensitive ears and can be very frightened or stressed by the Fourth of July and other big celebrations. Keep pets indoors to reduce the risk that they’ll run loose or get injured.

If an Injury Happens: If someone is injured by fireworks, immediately call 911.

Fireworks are meant to be enjoyed, but we and you will enjoy them much more knowing your family is safe.

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