by Stacy Winstryg

The Vail Parent Network is gearing up for election season with several candidate forums. These are great opportunities for the Vail community to come out and meet the candidates who will represent them next year in the house and the senate. Education is our primary focus and we encourage you to attend one of the events hosted by the Vail Parent Network so that you can decide who best represents your interest at the capital. We will be hosting two events with the clean elections committee along with the Greater Vail Chamber of Commerce in the upcoming months:

For the primary election:

July 26th, 6:00 PM at the Empire High School dining auditorium.

For the general election:

September 20th, 6:00 PM at the Empire High School dining auditorium.

From left to right: Stacy Winstryg, Linda Feltheim, MaRico Tippett,
Catherine Byars, Andrea Black

Remember that the primary election outcome is often as important, if not more, than the general election in determining who will represent Legislative District 14 in Phoenix for the next two years. The Vail Parent Network encourages you to make sure you are registered to vote.  Go to to register.  Here are some important deadlines to remember:

  • Voter registration deadline: July 30th
  • Early voting begins: August 1st
  • Mail in your ballot by: August 22nd
  • Last day to vote early: August 24th

We hope you will join us and learn more about the candidates running in Legislative District 14. And as always, thank you for your support!

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