By Shirley Mays

As I’ve taken my walk the last several days, I’ve noticed a change in the air. It’s just a tad bit crisper, a tad bit fresher and yes, a tad bit cooler. It seems autumn is on its way!

Autumn is that season of the year between summer and winter during which temperatures gradually decrease. I’m from the mid-west and autumn here is quite dissimilar to autumns in Ohio. There, the leaves turn orange and yellow and the grass turns brown. It’s also the time of year when we would put away our white shoes and our white belts, because you never wear white after Labor Day.

Here, we don’t see as much change in the foliage, but it’s still a good opportunity to change our perspective. The cooler fall air I felt this morning has reminded me that now is the perfect time to “cool down.” This summer has been so hot: hot weather, hot topics, hot tempers. With the advent of fall, I can take the time to exhale; to allow the frenzied start of school and the other harried parts of my life to dissipate. I can decide to clear my head and look anew at what lies before me. It’s a great time to put into action that famous quote from F. Scott Fitgerald, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”

Have a great month!

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