Inform Vail AZ is a grassroots group of area homeowners who felt that all the information and implications of incorporation were not being presented to the community and neighborhoods affected.

We began to compare notes and source factual information concerning incorporation including the legal procedures involved, documentation, and budgets from Pima County, Arizona state and existing cities and towns in Arizona to obtain a clearer picture of what incorporation could mean. We felt it was important to understand the basis and background of the information which was being presented by the group supporting the effort. While they could have made that information readily available to the community they chose not to, so we embarked on a steep learning curve to find the facts behind the numbers and make it available through the Inform Vail AZ website.

As we learned more, we realized it was important to understand who actually benefits from incorporation. While a great deal had been presented about potential financial gain, there was no mention of how incorporation might benefit the lives of the people who have made this area their home.

We have no sponsors and none of us are affiliated with or employed by any group associated with any of the stakeholders in this effort, other than as individual homeowners.

Everything on the Inform Vail AZ website has been source documented and is presented so that residents in the Vail-Rincon Valley area who would be affected by the incorporation effort can
make an informed decision, not simply rely on a one-sided presentation.

Incorporate Vail Arizona has spoken out against Inform Vail AZ and the anonymity of the homeowners involved. We are sad to share that due to negative repercussions experienced for homeowners involved (unless they have chosen to share that they’re involved) all would like to remain anonymous. These nega-
tive repercussions include harassment, doxing, cutting of work hours, work status affected, harassment of family members who aren’t involved, threatening phone calls, thinly veiled threats on social media, and even has affected children of parents who are involved.

If you see one of Inform Vail’s information tents set up in the community, please remember that these are Vail homeowners who are sharing their opinions on incorporation. Whether you agree with what is being said, it is important to remember that differing opinions are good, and that discussion can be healthy. We always welcome discussion but also ask that you respect the fact that this is one of your neighbors!

Whether you support or oppose incorporation, it’s important that you understand all that is involved. For more information on how you can become involved with Inform VailAz, please visit

Inform Vail AZ

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