At about 11:30 on Wednesday, May 18, Jeremy Vega’s Cienega High School choir class was invaded…by members of the Vail Performing Arts Society (VPAS) and the Vail Chorale. They were armed with an oversized check in the amount of $2,000, which they presented to the delighted class to use for whatever they decide on. VPAS President, Julie Dawson, said they also wanted to give special acknowledgement to the Vail School District, in particular Cienega High School, for providing the Chorale with rehearsal space almost since its founding in 2011.
In recent years, the Vail Chorale leadership became aware that in order for the Chorale to continue moving forward, it needed to become or be overseen by, a nonprofit entity—the Vail Performing Arts Society. In creating the VPAS, the Chorale leadership team felt that not only did they want to provide stability and oversight for the Chorale, they also wanted to give back to the greater Vail area community for its unfailing support of the Chorale over the years. This is its first gift to the community.
The Vail Performing Arts Society (VPAS) is a 501(3)(c) organization with a vision “to inspire, create, and celebrate artistic expression in the Vail community”. Founded by the Vail Chorale leadership team, VPAS now provides the Chorale with oversight and administrative support. For the community, it will collaborate and enhance relationships with other performing arts organizations by creating scholarships for young performers of the arts, as well as educational and experiential support and activities.
If you are interested in supporting VPAS, serving on the Board or just have some questions, please reach out to
By Martie Maierhauser, Julie Dawson