Maxie Allen and Jim Matthews were busy having desert adventures and looking for odd jobs after school and on Saturdays to finance their purchases of gum, candy and soda pop at the adobe store between the railroad tracks in Vail. They heard that Father Gockel at the Shrine of Santa Rita needed some landscaping work done. They headed right over.12

Father Gockel had come to Vail in 1948. The quiet, peaceful setting was perfect for him due to his health. Despite his health challenges he had important goals for the small parish. He had used a family inheritance to purchase and install the Crucifixion Group in the Shrine and had plans for the exterior too. When two, about 12-year-old, young men came by asking if he might have any jobs for them, he put them right to work!

Maxie and Jim did not ask directly how much they would be earning for their day’s work that Saturday in 1948. They were good listeners. They got their instructions and jumped right into work. They pruned, moved rocks, pcaptureulled weeds, painted a fence and before they knew it, close to eight hours had passed. They couldn’t wait to show Father Gockel. Proud of what they had accomplished, they eagerly watched Father Gockel survey their work and complement its quality. The Father thanked them, then pulled out a large Butterfinger candy bar. He carefully broke it in half and handed Maxie and Jim each a piece. It wasn’t exactly what they were hoping for. But, neither of the young men forgot that day and the good work they could be proud of. And, that they would always remember to work out the details of a job before beginning the work and not after!   As told to J.J. Lamb, 2016.





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Lucretia Free