Daughters of the American Revolution, Cienega Creek Chapter attended the Vail School District’s, Vail Pride Day last month in February. Chapter members at the table played a history game with students and families. To win the game, students placed historical events in timeline order. Once the game was completed, they received a treat bag or choice of another prize.

Next month, the Cienega Chapter will be honoring a local woman who has made history in our community for Women in History month. If you are interested in attending, please contact chapter Regent, Sierra Hansen at cienegacreekregent@gmail.com.

The DAR is a non-profit, non-political, worldwide service organization devoted to Historic Preservation, Education & Patriotism, and family history. Any woman 18 years or older who can prove lineal bloodline descent from an ancestor who aided the American Revolution is eligible to join. DAR and the Cienega Creek Chapter will help you with your genealogy research, if needed, and they have a database of research to assist in the application process. If you are interested in joining, contact Registrar, JoAnne MacInnis at cienegacreekregistrar@gmail.com.

Sierra Hansen

State American History Committee Chairman

State Pages Committee Co-Chair

Organizing Chapter Regent, Cienega Creek Chapter

Arizona Daughters of the American Revolution

The DAR is a non-profi t, non-political, worldwide service organization devoted to Historic Preservation, Education & Patriotism, and family history. Any woman 18 years or older who can prove lineal bloodline descent from an ancestor who aided the American Revolution is eligible to join. DAR and the Cienega Creek Chapter will help you with your genealogy research, if needed, and they have a database of research to assist in the application process. If you are interested in joining, contact Registrar, JoAnne MacInnis at cienegacreekregistrar@gmail.com.


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