By Ryn Gargulinski, Certified Professional Coach at Rynski Coaching

Even with Vail’s consistent sunshine and lack of snow, you can still get a little blah during the winter. Especially now that the holiday hubbub has passed, New Year’s resolutions have lost their luster, and warmer weather seems eons away. Don’t fret if you’re not feeling as peppy as you’d like during the winter. It happens to everyone.

Heck, bears hibernate through the entire thing, so having enough energy to even stay awake gives us an edge from the start. You can also take action to get out of the blahs and into the bliss that winter can actually bring.

Get out of the house. 

Yes, it’s chilly. Yes, you might even have to wear gloves and a hat. But one of the worst things you can do when you’re feeling blah is to sit in the house and wallow. Getting out in nature or around other people is a proven way to boost your mood. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate outing, either. Take your dog for a jaunt in the park. Visit your favorite coffee shop. Even a trip to the grocery store or a quick walk around the block can be enough to feel less sluggish.

Move a muscle, change a thought.

When your brain starts getting into a cycle of thinking that brings you down, there’s a surefire way to break it. Get up and move. We typically can’t think our way out of negative thinking, but we can ACT our way out of it. Take that walk around the block. Tackle a chore that requires movement. Put on some music and dance.

Morning exercise is another way to get moving, usurping the cycle of negative thinking before it has a chance to set in. It also gets the blood flowing, increases feel-good endorphins and is amazing for relieving stress. Any type of cardio is great, as is weightlifting and yoga.

Keep a daily gratitude list.

Once you get out of the cycle of negative thinking with exercise, you can train your brain to get into a cycle of positive thinking with a gratitude list. I started a daily gratitude list one Thanksgiving several years back, and ever since my outlook has now been brighter — even in the winter.

All you need to do is write down one to five things for which you are grateful every day. They can be huge, like your family or career. Or they can be small, like that hot cup of coffee you’re about to sip. Just get in the habit of paying attention to your many blessings. And chances are you have tons of them.

Make friends with the season.

Rather than treating winter as a big, long boring hallway that’s only purpose is to lead us to spring, appreciate what it offers. A chance to slow down, chill out (literally), and save tons of money on our air-conditioning bills. It’s also a prime time for introspection and taking on projects that fall to the wayside the rest of the year. Besides, what other time of year do we get a chance to wear our faux fur vests and really cool boots? Enjoy!

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