Thank You From The Vail Parent Network by Stacy Winstryg

The Vail Parent Network would like to extend their gratitude to those who participated in the election last month. We had great numbers turn out at the polls which means people are engaging and making their voices heard. This is encouraging!

We are very excited that Prop 449 passed with such huge support. Voters spoke and we are grateful. Thank you to the Vail community members for supporting our teachers, Vails number one asset! And thank you to COVE (Citizens of Vail for Education) for all your hard work on promoting the override. Your message was clear about the need to support our teachers and our schools.

We are also excited to welcome Allison Pratt, Callie Tippett, and Mark Tate to the Vail School Board. These three community members will do an amazing job for our kids here in Vail. The Vail Parent Network would like to congratulate Drew John and Becky Nutt, our new Legislative District 14 House of Representative winners, and Gail Griffin, Legislative District 14 Senate winner. We look forward to working with all of you on improving education in the state of Arizona.

Please continue to follow us as we take on several key issues related to education these next few months as the new legislative session begins. We are anxious to work with our local leaders to let them know what the parents and community members in Vail want in regards to education. And, as always, we thank you for your support!

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