By Tom Howard Houghton/I-10 InterchangeThe new bridge and roadway are coming along nicely. Crews are connecting the new ramps to the bridge. Painting of the bridge structure is nearly complete. Several traffic shifts will take place during the month of September to allow crews to place the traffic signals and complete work along the middle of the...
Tag - Tom Howard
By Tom Howard Houghton/I-10 InterchangeThe traffic switch to the new bridge occurred on 7/14/21. Crews will be connecting the on and off ramps to the new bridge and plans are under way for demolition of the old Houghton bridge. This will require full closures of I-10 while they remove the bridge. Reminder that the speed limit is 25 MPH in the work...
By Tom Howard Houghton/I-10 InterchangeCrews have completed the switch of all the on and off ramps. Work continues the bridge structure where crews have poured the concrete bridge deck. This will be the final surface for the new roadway. Crews will work on the new Houghton roadway to complete the final pieces of the road infrastructure. Once this...
By Tom Howard Houghton/I-10 InterchangeWork is underway to complete the new temporary Westbound on ramp to I-10. Once this is completed crews will close the old on ramp and continue with the new bridge approach pads. Westbound traffic will have a new entrance ramp to get onto the interstate. Traffic control changes can be expected during this...
By Tom Howard Houghton/I-10 Interchange.Crews have installed the bridge girders and work on the bridge surface have begun. Preparations for paving the new on and off ramps along I-10 both East and Westbound are also underway. Expect nightly lane closures on I-10 while crews complete work on the new bridge structure over the interstate. Dirt work...