Tag - rincon valley fire district

Monsoon Safety

By Fiona de YoungCommunity Relations Manager With the monsoon season officially underway, the Rincon Valley Fire District wants to remind you that when in doubt, turn around don’t drown. This catchphrase has become popular in the last few years as summer rains fill our canyons and our roads with flash floods. But it’s more than just a catchphrase...

Hiking Safety

By Bailey BreedingCommunity Relations Intern With temperatures heating up, it’s time to start thinking about hiking safety. Hiking is a great way to get outside and get some exercise. Safety should be a top priority when hiking this summer. Here are a few things to keep in mind: Bring plenty of water: A good rule of thumb, especially in high...

Assistant Fire Chief James Tucker Completes International Professional Designation Process

By Fiona de Young, Community Relations Manager Rincon Valley Fire District Assistant Chief James Tucker has successfully completed the process that awards the professional designation of “Chief Fire Officer” (CFO). The Commission on Professional Credentialing (CPC) met on December 7, 2021 to confer the designation. Chief James Tucker...