Dear Editor, Regarding Incorporate Vail’s article in the April issue of the Vail Voice: Vail Arizona is much more than “just” a census designated place (CDP). From its inception to today, Vail has maintained its identity as a diverse community, welcoming young families, retirees, longtime residents and visitors. Equestrians, families, adventurers...
Tag - Letters to the editor
Dear Editor, Hello Vail community! I am Leroy Smith, Candidate for Vail Governing Board. I am a former Marine, disabled Veteran, Associate Warden with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Security Monitor at Cienega High School, Federal Whistleblower (sustained), and Correctional Officer for the Arizona Department of Corrections. In my personal and...
Dear Editor, For 30 years I have lived and volunteered in the Vail School District. Over those years “We have done the hard work of getting along.” The Vail community stood out because we worked together, even during times of controversy and disagreement. During my sixteen years as a Vail Governing Board Member, I worked with ten board...
Dear Editor, School is back and I’m honestly not too excited for new learners or returning. With more and more gun violence it makes me terrified for my friends and the young kids just trying to go to school, to get an education. Kids shouldn’t have to be scared to learn or enter a school building. I feel with the rise in gun violence...
Dear Editor, Your latest issue of the Vail Voice had suggestions for conserving water: after all we do live in the desert. Those of us that have been here for many years do not have to be reminded that water conservation is just part of life here. We’ve always been concerned about how much water is “down there.” Now we are seeing...
Dear Editor, The act of choice In recent news, in the first week of May, a Supreme Court opinion was leaked on the terms of overturning Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade was a court case that took place in 1973. It was a case “in which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas statute banning abortion, effectively legalizing the procedure across the...
Dear Editor, For once I would like to see a positive District 4 Supervisor Steve Christy submit a positive update with some real solutions. All I seem to read are his negative reviews of the PCBS meetings but he provides no positive alternative solutions. It’s easy to be a “naysayer” but difficult to produce and effectively...
Dear Editor, The Vail School district has much to offer and we are very proud of it, but I am noticing a disturbing trend this year. I agree with Peggy Gibson’s letter to the editor in the February issue of the Vail Voice re: what is happening in our school system. I am witness to a student I personally know. He and his friends struggle with these...
Dear Editor, Are the Orange and Yellow striped cones on Houghton a permanent fixture? There are many things that can be blamed on Covid-19 and the pandemic but the pace for the completion of the drainage on the right sides of the north and south bound lanes should be one of them. Are we waiting on decorative rocks that are being imported so they...
Dear Editor, I would like to express my Kudos to your paper for the integrity that you displayed in the November issue of your paper. I had submitted a negative review about an article from the Rabbi’s Corner of the October issue that spelled God with a hyphen in place of the “o”. I interpreted this as disrespect to God, whereas...