VPN: Vail Votes!
The Vail Parent Network has launched an initiative called “Vail Votes” to increase awareness of important legislative issues and to encourage Vail residents to get out and VOTE! With only 16% of eligible voters casting ballots in the 2014 primary election, we have allowed legislators in office who may not represent our best interest. We need to change this. The Vail Parent Network is asking parents, grandparents, community members, and business leaders to sign our pledge form to commit to vote this November. Go to www.vailvotes.org and sign the pledge form today if you want better funding for education, a brighter future for Arizona, and a legislator who represents your interest! And, the school that earns the most pledges to vote will win several gift cards for their school. Everyone wins!
Another important issue that will be on the ballot in November is Prop 449. Vail teachers need your support by voting YES for this Proposition. Prop 449 will enable the Vail School District to reward excellence and give our teachers and non-administrative staff a desperately needed 2.5% raise. Should it fail, funding for 100 teaching positions will be lost over the next three years.
Our Arizona teachers are grossly underpaid compared to other states coming in 47th in the nation. We need to help close that gap, and this is a small step that direction. By voting Yes on 449, we are letting our teachers know that we appreciate them sticking with our families and our children through the difficult educational cuts from the state these last 8-9 years. Vail Parent Network proudly supports Prop 449, and we hope you will join us in voting YES! Let’s show our teachers we support them and the very important role that they serve in our community!