What, you might ask, is a Nurse Honor Guard? Nurse Honor Guards pay tribute to nurses at the time of their death by performing the Nightingale Tribute at a funeral or memorial service. This service is similar to a military tribute and officially releases the nurse from their nursing duties.

The first Nurse Honor Guard in Tucson started in the summer of 2018 as a branch of the Arizona Nurse Honor Guard based in Phoenix. As the chapter grew it was recognized that there was a need for a Tucson based chapter. The Southern Arizona Nurse Honor Guard was officially formed in August of 2021.

The Southern Arizona Nurse Honor Guard consists of nurses from the Tucson area. The members consist of currently practicing nurses, retired nurses and student nurses. Some of the areas of nursing that our members represent are hospital, clinic, education, hospice and geriatric nursing.

Services for nurses are offered to all nurses. We do require a request from the immediate family. Our contact phone number is 520-222-7030.

If you are a nurse and would like to volunteer with the Southern Arizona Nurse Honor Guard, you may join us on our Facebook page. If you would like to come to one of our monthly meetings you can find information about that on our Facebook page as well.

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