The top two reasons people join Rotary are to meet new people and get involved in their local community. Cienega Rotary is not only a great place to meet new people, our service projects are an integral part of our community here in Vail. Through the Rotary Foundation, we provide scholarships and meals to deserving students in the Vail School District. Additionally, Rotary sponsors multiple fund raisers throughout the year supporting local veterans, animal shelters, and other worthy charities. One last point on becoming a member of Rotary involves the entrepreneurial spirit and knowledge needed to start a new business. In an environment that is becoming increasingly difficult to start your own business, you will be in the midst of business professionals and community leaders that know the ins and outs of starting and running a business and have the knowledge to help you in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. If you would like to join Cienega Rotary or would just like to come and visit, please go to our website or Facebook page at: