As the recently formed Transportation Advisory Committee begins its work to identify and recommend neighborhood road repair projects throughout the county, it’s a good time to review the status of other road projects in the Southeast Region of District 4.
In June, the paving of Wilmot Road, a 7-mile project of two-lane roadway, with paved shoulders and drainage improvements, was completed. Additional street lighting will be installed at the intersection of Wilmot and Sahuarita Roads.
Colossal Cave Road widening is complete. A community dedication ceremony will occur on September 9 and feature local artists, music, and good food.
Progress continues on the Union Pacific Bridge project and will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 is currently in progress with traffic on the existing bridge, while the new, three land bridge is constructed. In Phase 2, the old bridge will be demolished and the new one built in its place. The project will take two years to complete.
Along Houghton Road, south of I-10, the Pima County Department of Transportation has completed the paving of the shoulder areas between Sahuarita and Andrada Roads and has installed radar-related speed feedback and advisory signs.
Looking forward, turn lanes will be installed on Houghton Road at Brekke, Dawn, and Andrada Roads as well as Camino del Emperador to help address safety concerns.
Sahuarita Road, between Wentworth and Davidson Roads, will have drainage improvements made at 3 locations. The design phase has been completed and the project will be put out to bid this month.
Vail roads slated for micro or fog seal treatments in the fiscal year ahead are Old Spanish Trail, between Camino Loma Alta and Escalante and between Camino Loma Alta and Pistol Hill, Camino Loma Alta, between Colossal Cave Road and Old Spanish Trail, and Colossal Cave Road, between Mary Ann Cleveland and Pistol Hill.
The Arizona Department of Transportation has already begun work on installing traffic signals at the Houghton Road/I-10 interchange which will help alleviate congestion and improve traffic flow.
While these projects are a good start, we will be pursuing a regional drainage solution for our roads, as well as working to get our fair share of neighborhood road repair dollars for the Southeast Region.