Benevolence – “the quality of being well meaning; kindness.”  Whether you read the paper or watch the news on TV, it seems more and more challenging to recognize this remarkable human virtue in today’s world… or is it?  Luckily for us here in the Vail community, we don’t have to look far to see kindness around us.  Whether it’s the ACT statement in our schools, the words ‘Be Kind’ beautifully adorned on each campus, the various congregations offering hope, or all the volunteers that make ReSources Vail Food Bank and The Vail Depot possible – Vail exemplifies benevolence.  What gives our small town this characteristic? Neighbors helping neighbors.

Greater Vail Community ReSources was formed off this principal alone; a group of neighbors with a passion for helping those in need.  Join us in supporting your community by simple acts of kindness.  The Vail Depot is now accepting gently used clothing and household items (proceeds benefit the Food Bank and Vail Education Foundation).  The ReSources Vail Food Bank would love your donation of canned goods, peanut butter is always in short supply.

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” -John Bunyan  Find out more ways you can make a difference at


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