There’s a new organization coming to give Southeast Tucson a voice and you’re invited to be a part of it. The South East Regional Council (SERC) is taking root to give a previously underrepresented community a coordinated way to reach local and state government, as well as business, groups, and organizations that have an impact on the direction of this region. It will blend the opinions and ideas of what had previously been unique areas including (but not limited to) Corona de Tucson, Vail, Rita Ranch, and more.

There are a lot of questions about this new organization and how community members can be a part of it, which is all answered here. If you are interested in being a part of the first Council, please review the FAQ below and print out your application to apply.

What is the South East Regional Council?

The South East Regional Council (SERC) is a civic minded, community body that serves as an organized, coordinated voice of the people. SERC is comprised of residents, businesses and non profits in the south east area of District 4 in Pima County. This area includes Corona de Tucson, Vail and south east Tucson.

Is SERC going to take a stand on any political issue like any possible incorporation efforts or back any candidates?

No. The Council is a non-partisan group that will not take a position on issues, initiatives or candidates. We have a unique community comprised of three distinct regions…Vail, Corona and south east Tucson. All want to keep their local uniqueness, but speak as one voice around issues that are important to us as the need arises to interact with local or state government as well as businesses, groups or organizations.

Will SERC go away if Vail and Corona de Tucson incorporate?

No.  Any future incorporated areas will also have a seat at the Council.

How do I become a part of SERC?

Individuals interested in volunteering to serve on the Council just need to fill out the attached application form. Completed forms can be emailed or mailed to Lucretia Free Pima County District 4, 130 W. Congress St., Tucson, AZ 85701. A resume is not required, but you may include as part of your application.

What will SERC do?

SERC will focus on concerns or topics that are important to all of us. Subcommittees will be formed to address “hotspot” issues of importance to those who live in the area. These include: transportation (roads), monsoon safety, wildfire safety, preservation and beautification, planned growth (residential and commercial). We will communicate as one voice to local government, businesses or organizations and receive feedback from the community when necessary.

Will the Council support any current or future incorporation efforts? 

The Council will take a neutral position.

Will the Council have governing by-laws?

There will be a set of guiding principles for the Council. Initially, SERC will not be a 501 c3 or have any other legally designated non-profit status.

Who decides who is on the South East Regional Council?

The executive/planning committee of SERC will review the applications and determine who will be on the first Council. After that, the Council itself will review applications.

I’d like to participate but I work all day. When will meetings be held?

That will be determined by the participants on the Council, and will likely be in the evening to accommodate those with full time jobs.

Will there be any minutes for people who cannot attend?

When the Council begins having meetings, they will be available for review on line.

What if I still have questions?

Feel free to contact Lucretia Free, SE Regional Representative for District 4

email: or call 520.609.6233

To download the printable PDF version of this document, click here.


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Lucretia Free