A group of Rincon Valley residents who are interested in preserving the open spaces and ranching and farming traditions in our area are hosting an informational workshop on Friday, April 21 at the Rincon Valley Fire Station #2, 14550 E. Sands Ranch Road, from 9am – 2pm. The workshop is free and open to the public.
We have asked representatives of several governmental agencies to participate including:
* The National Park Service
* US Forest Service
* Pima County and Bureau of Land Management
These organizations will share the tools they have available for private landowners to protect open space, wildlife habitat, native vegetation and watercourses. We have also asked the Arizona Land and Water Trust, a private non-profit organization, to provide information on its work to assist willing landowners to preserve their property as open space and continue the legacy of working landscapes such as ranches and farms.
The Land and Water Trust was established in 1978 and has successfully protected more than 47,000 acres in Southeast Arizona by assisting landowners with a variety of solutions to retain ownership of their property while preserving our vanishing native landscape, working ranches and farms. Topics such as establishing conservation easements and identifying funding sources available for conservation will be covered. An open discussion session will follow the presentations and a brown bag lunch will be provided.
We invite you to join us! Please RSVP to Lynn Harris at (520) 647 – 3384 by April 17th.