In October of 2016, Audrey Sher-Walton released her collection of poetry, All the Colors of My Life are Red. The reader at once becomes immersed in her very personal, yet universal experiences. She traces a path that is engaging, sensuous, self-conscious, and lyrical.

Audrey Sher-Walton grew up on Fresh Meadow Lane. Surrounded by asphalt, it wasn’t fresh, a meadow, or even a lane. Still, it was an idyllic childhood during which time she developed a lifelong fascination with words and has been writing poetry since the age of 9. She was inspired by the Beat Poets, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Sylvia Plath, Dylan Thomas, Anais Nin, Maya Angelou, Joni Mitchell, Walt Whitman, Robert Cray, and countless other poets and lyricists.

When asked what makes her love poetry, she has to do some soul-searching, because the answer, for her, is multi-faceted. There’s the hunger to read it, but more so, the passion to create it.  Audrey loves how words can paint a picture in the reader’s mind. Poetry may cause people to relate and reflect or possibly to be empathetic.

Writing for Audrey is cathartic, imaginative, and sometimes unstoppable.  Hearing the cadence and feeling her thoughts conjoin as they spill onto paper gives a sense of “excited calm” as well as a feeling of accomplishment.

A poem can pull people into a world in which they simultaneously know nothing and everything.  Poetry can evoke such unequivocal emotion while taking readers on a ride in which they are left thinking for days, only to reopen the page and go on the journey again with a fresh perspective and possibly a different emotive outcome. In All the Colors of My Life are Red, Mrs. Sher-Walton conveys a rhythm, tone, and mood which serve to engage her audience.

To order  All the Colors of My Life are Red for just $10,  send an email stating how many copies you’d like  to:  Simple directions for ordering and payment will follow immediately.




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