Kristy Mace was named to the Wichita State University Dean’s Honor Roll for spring 2022.

Arizona Girls State
Marks 75th Session
It was a girl’s week with nearly 180 high school girls from across Arizona converging on the University of Arizona campus for the 75th session of The American Legion Auxiliary premier program, American Legion Auxiliary Arizona Girls State. This unique opportunity is open to girls completing their junior year of high school, who meet the necessary qualifications. The session ran from June 5 through 11th, 2022. Attending from Empire High School were Emma LaPointe, Loryn Potter, and Abigail Walker. American Legion Auxiliary Arizona Girls State is a weeklong program designed to educate young women about the functions of their government, and to kindle the desire to actively participate in, and responsibly fulfill their role, as citizens.

Culminating the week was the election of two delegates as senators to attend the prestigious American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation, held the following month in Washington, DC. Girls Nation is an all-expense-paid week with other girls elected as State Senators from across the nation. They will debate federal issues they present as bills, visit the Pentagon, Arlington National Cemetery, the White House, and other memorials in the nation’s capital. Another opportunity that is truly a “once in a lifetime experience!”

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