by Anne Gibson

An ORE (Ocotillo Ridge Elementary) third grader states, “I never liked running, but I love running Max’s Milers and earning footies. I want to run TWO marathons this year.” ORE students have been running around their field on a dirt and gravel path, earning photos for four years now. The effort to put in a permanent asphalt track at Vail’s ORE began three years ago through the ORE Parent Teacher Association (PTA) under the leadership of then parent and president Stacy Winstryg.

Winstryg sta12 Ore Tracktes, “The idea of the track began to enhance a running program for the 624 ORE students stimulated by programs driven by Max’s Milers, a lunchtime running program for all students, and Girls on the Run (GOTR). The idea grew to include allowing community members use of the track.

The total cost for the track is $16,500. The actual fundraising began this year with the help of our ORE’s new PTA board members President Maria Lind, Vice President Cindy Kumet, Treasurer Cheryl Benson, and Secretary Cyndi Richardson.

To date the PTA has raised $11,500 from several community grants from Target, Wal-Mart, and the Vail Education Foundation along with the fundraising efforts of parents and children including a run-a-thon earlier this year. The hope is to raise the additional $5,000 in order to put the track in this May, she added.

Principal Sarah Bates states, “Students come to school needing more than academics. While ORE provides superior academic support, we also provide exemplary support of non-academic needs, including Max’s Milers and GOTR.” Both are non-profit organizations.

Volunteers and student council run the Max’s Milers program jointly. Max’s Milers occurs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at lunch recess. All students have the opportunity to run laps around the field at lunch recess and earn a popsicle stick for every lap. The sticks are turned in and logged each day. Every five laps run earn students a “footie” or token. Students are recognized on announcements and earn a certificate for each ten miles run. Each marathon further earns a student a medal. Students’ success is celebrated with quarterly assemblies. Last year, ORE students and adults completed a total of 2,527 miles on our dirt and gravel path, Principal Bates stated.

GOTR is yet another running program at ORE designed to inspire older elementary aged girls to stay true to themselves and live free from social stereotypes. The 24-lesson curriculum weaves training for a 5K run with lessons that empower girls to celebrate what they look like, speak and stand up for themselves, and be bold and confident in who they are. The program is developed into three parts: understanding ourselves, valuing relationships and teamwork, and understanding how we connect with and shape the world at large.

Currently, ORE Advanced Math Teacher, Kristin Thomas, and Physical Education Teacher, Keith Smith, are the faculty members overseeing the programs. Dedicated adults who volunteer as coaches make the success of both programs possible.

The Arizona Education Foundation awarded an A+ School of Excellence Award to ORE in 2014 in part because of programs like these that encourage growth and learning beyond the seat in the classroom.

Help ORE get this much needed track! Because no classroom dollars will be used in this project, the track will be totally funded by community donations. To help the ORE PTA raise the remaining necessary $5,000, make your check out to ORE PTA and mail it to ORE PTA, Attn: Stacy Winstryg, 10170 S. White Lightning Lane, Vail, AZ 85641. The ORE PTA is a 501(c) 3 making donations tax deductible. Donors will also be formally recognized for their contributions to kids in their community. For further information email Stacy Winstryg at

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