by Cassie Simonton

Mothers of Arizona with Special Kids, aka MAzSK, was created to support families, across the state of Arizona, with various disabilities. At the moment, they can be found on Facebook and Twitter, and a webpage is currently under construction. MAzSK already has almost 300 members in their private Facebook support group, and is still searching for others! Self-advocates and/or relatives of an individual with special needs are all welcome to join that group. Others are welcome to follow the page, but the group itself is meant for these families specifically. They want to create a safe and private environment to make connections

This community organization hopes to become a central support for the state. One of their main focuses is creating connections for those in rural areas that may not have such support, otherwise. No parent should feel alone or lost from the moment their child receives a diagnosis. The creators are a group of about fifteen women that met though Pilot Parents’ training called, “AZ Partners in Leadership.” Each of them is a parent of a child with some kind of special needs. It is important to them that MAzSK promotes diversity, inclusion, awareness and acceptance!

In the future, MAzSK would like to host events, support group meetings, play dates, etc. However, for the time being, they are working on creating a “headquarters” that can assist families in getting the help that they need. This includes, but not limited to, a statewide calendar for events, meetings, and especially parent trainings. At the same time, MAzSK is also trying to spread awareness of their cause, and support the members that they have already found. One member has said, “I am grateful to have this group. You gals sure know how to offer support and encouragement.” That is exactly what Mothers of Arizona with Special Kids is all about!


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