Regularly visiting a primary care provider is one of the best ways to maintain strong health – here’s what you can expect before, during and after the visit.

Before the visit

First steps: When you schedule your appointment, ask about new patient registration forms. These forms usually request health history, medications, and insurance information.

Arrive early: If it’s your first visit, please arrive 15 minutes early. If you have not completed the new patient forms yet – arrive about 30 minutes early to ensure you have enough time to complete them.

Prioritize your questions and share your goals: Jot down a few questions ahead of time, and prioritize them depending on your most immediate concerns. It is important to me to know what is foremost on a patient’s mind – and what their overall health goals are.

During your visit

The PCP is here for you: If you are feeling nervous, remember that a PCP is your health partner and their purpose is to assist you. We want patients to feel confident sharing their health history and challenges, so we can provide the best health advice and direction possible.

Long-term health: The provider can do more than treat an immediate health need – they can review your health history and help develop a plan to maintain good health going forward. We recognize that a healthy lifestyle is not one-size fits all. I listen, discuss and think critically to help tailor a healthy plan just for each patient

After your visit

Schedule: Studies show that people who regularly visit their health care provider are healthier, so don’t forget to schedule your next appointment before you leave.

Get all the answers: If you have additional questions, be sure to follow up with the provider or their staff. Online patient portals are one of the best ways to keep in contact with your provider.

Provide input: Health care organizations like TMCOne often send surveys to their patients – please take a moment to share your experience. Your feedback is particularly important to the PCP because providers are always looking to improve the patient experience.

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