Make Way for Books, a local nonprofit organization, is working to ensure that children throughout Vail get the right start so they are ready for kindergarten and ready to read and succeed.  One of their strategies is called The Story Project, and this program helps ensure that children in child care centers, preschools, and home-based child care have language and literacy-rich experiences.  They do this by sending Early Literacy Coaches to work with educators to provide mentoring, professional development, free books, and other resources.

A key ingredient in this work is the Story-time Volunteer Program, and they need the Vail community’s help!  They are looking for adults who have experience working with toddlers and preschoolers and could be weekly story-time volunteers at local Vail preschools and child care centers.  One story-time volunteer tells us that “In my third year as a volunteer reader with Make Way For Books, one word encompasses my experience, joy; pure joy week after week with the three and four-year-olds at my center.”  The Vail community has quite a few sites that could use a Story-time Volunteer and it would be even better if the volunteer didn’t have to travel very far!  Make Way for Books provides an extensive training, shadowing opportunities with current story-time volunteers, and a library at their office just for them!  For more information and to apply, please go to or call 520.398.6451.

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