Dear Editor,

For once I would like to see a positive District 4 Supervisor Steve Christy submit a positive update with some real solutions. All I seem to read are his negative reviews of the PCBS meetings but he provides no positive alternative solutions. It’s easy to be a “naysayer” but difficult to produce and effectively implement a strategic plan.

For one, please protect our right to vote early and by mail. I have been using vote by mail since 1991 when it was approved by the Arizona legislature allowing Arizona voters to request an absentee ballot for any reason.

While working full-time and raising a family out here in the Rincon Valley during the early 90’s it was difficult to get to the polling sites before or after work. Early mail in ballots allowed me time to research the issues and candidates and make informed decisions as well as saved me the anxiety of trying to get it all done on a working day, which usually meant I was at work by 7 and 90% of the time had to work overtime. I worked in hospital IT & lab databases that had to be up 24 hours/7 days per week/365 days per year!

Second, clean up our roads, shoulder and bike paths. How about holding the developer accountable for cleaning up all the trash that the building contractors dump out their windows (plastic bottles, lunch containers, soda cups) & trash that blows off the back of the trucks. There’s an enormous number of developers making sufficient returns on investments here in the Rincon Valley and in Vail that surely they can contribute to cleaning up the roads that they use. It’s called being a good community partner, not such a novel idea.

Marie Geraci

Dear Editor,

Vail does not need another car wash.

Dave Pitts

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