
To the editor:

My wife and I took great pleasure in attending the recent premier of the documentary “Voices of Vail,” which is a production of the Vail Preservation Society. The documentary was a top-notch production, and all who had a hand in its formulation deserve great praise for their labor. Of course, at the core of its coming to be is a woman who has been a blessing to this community for many years, J.J. Lamb. This woman has been a tireless worker, and encouragement for this community’s sense of identity over a stretch of time. The Vail region owes her a strong note of thanks and support in what she has given over that time.

And now she has given us all this remarkable gift of ourselves, and our origin through this wonderfully rendered production.  Hats off to you (both cowboys, and otherwise) for a job well done. I would add that the turnout for this premier was both impressive, and inspiring. We found it reassuring to see so many present there who care about this special place we all have come to call home. I hope that this well rendered look at our past will be shared forward many times over.

Royce & Jane (Juanita) Davenport, Vail.

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