
The October issue of the Vail Voice was one of the best issues I’ve read. It’s great to read the different perspectives on the Pima County Bond and get informed on the projects that would positively affect my family if the Bond passes. However, I was surprised to read the article from Margaret Burkholder. My husband is an Officer with the Tucson Police Department, we live in Rita Ranch, and we are Republicans. We have been following this election closely and we are outraged at the way the Republican candidates are outright lying to try to get the votes of the public. Margaret states in her article that the Tucson Police Department was slashed $50 million dollars. It doesn’t take an investigative reporter to look up the City of Tucson’s Adopted Budget for 2011 and 2016. In 2011, TPD’s operating budget was over $162 million and this year it is over $167 million. I don’t know about her math skills, but that is an increase of 5 million dollars. We’ve watched the TV debates and she criticizes the Bond; however, she neglects to mention the Vail School District, that she is a board member of, currently using a Bond and an Override to subsidize their budget. We need to stop the negativity and start being proud of our great community. J. Anderson

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